Old songs - Dan Fogelberg



雨終於停了   放晴的感覺真好!


腦中突然想起了 Dan Fogelberg 的 Longer 與 Leader of  The Band

聽 Dan Fogelberg 的歌   就像是聽一個老友娓娓地敘述著一個故事     

很抒情    很舒服    也柔軟地觸動了內心的底層


Dan Fogelberg (Aug 13, 1951 -- Dec 16, 2007 )

得年56歲    癌症逝於緬因家中



Longer  -  歌詞的意境很美   旋律也讓人陶醉





Longer than there've been fishes in the ocean
Higher than any bird ever flew
Longer than there've been stars up in the heavens
I've been in love with you.

Stronger than any mountain cathedral
Truer than any tree ever grew
Deeper than any forest primeval
I am in love with you.

I'll bring fires in the winters
You'll send showers in the springs
We'll fly through the falls and summers
With love on our wings.

Through the years as the fire starts to mellow
Burning lines in the book of our lives
Though the binding cracks and the pages start to yellow
I'll be in love with you.

Longer than there've been fishes in the ocean
Higher than any bird ever flew
Longer than there've been stars up in the heavens
I've been in love with you
I am in love with you..



Leader of  The Band

Dan Fogelberg 為他的父親寫下了這首歌

字裡行間可以感到 Dan 其對父親濃濃的親情與愛意!

Youtube 這段影片的回應當中  有一個人寫的很好 :

I am 32, my father has been a musician since he was 12, so it is all I have ever known him to be.   He just had surgery 2 days ago and is doing quite well.   Hearing this song makes me love him more and more each time I hear it.   I do tell him I love him each time I see him, I urge you all to do the same.   Have no regrets when the days are gone, and love everyone like there is no tomorrow.   Thank you Dan, may you rest in peace, and I still pray your music and message reach the kids of today. RIP
中國人不習慣把愛掛在嘴上   尤其對自己的父母 
那麼 .....  來一個大大的擁抱  或是牵著父母的手  就像小時候他們牽著我們ㄧ樣吧
愛要即時  --  莫待子欲養而親不在!!




An only child alone and wild
A cab'net maker's son
His hands were meant for diff'rent work
And his heart was known to none
He left his home and went his lone and solitary way
And he gave to me a gift
I know I never can repay

A quiet man of music
Denied a simpler fate
He tried to be a soldier once
But his music wouldn't wait
He earned his love thru' discipline
A thund'ring velvet hand
His gentle means of sculpting souls
Took me years to understand

The leader of the band
Is tired and his eyes are growing old
But his blood runs thru' my instrument
And his song is in my soul
My life has been a poor attempt to imitate the man
I'm just a living legacy
To the leader of the band

My brother's lives were diff'rent
For they heard another call
One went to Chicago and the other to St. Paul
And I'm in Colorado
When I'm not in some hotel
Living out this life I've chose
And come to know so well

I thank you for the music
And your stories of the road
I thank you for the freedom
When it came my time to go
I thank you for the kindness
And the times when you got tough
And papa I don't think I said
"I love you" near enough

The leader of the band
Is tired and his eyes are growing old
But his blood runs thru' my instrument
And his song is in my soul
My life has been a poor attempt to imitate the man
I'm just a living legacy
To the leader of the band
I am the living legacy
To the leader of the band


最近 The Osmonds  /  Air Supply  都要來台開演唱會

ㄧ支支耳熟能詳的老歌   相信喚起了許多四五年級生學生時代的記憶

那時的我    唸書的時候總習慣一邊聽著音樂


那時候哪有光碟啊    聽到喜歡的音樂都會用錄音帶錄下來

甚至我還買過 ABBA   齊豫的黑膠唱片呢!

ㄧ支支已成經典的西洋老歌縈繞耳際   緊扣著每ㄧ段青澀的歲月    時光匆匆啊!